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  • Meant to Be # Review Resenha Giveaway

    Title: Meant to Be
    Series: Sweetbriar Cove #1
    Author: Melody Grace
    Genre: Contemporary Romance
    Release Date: February 24, 2017


    Come take a trip to Sweetbriar Cove: the small town where true love is guaranteed.

    Poppy Somerville believes in happily-ever-after. It’s the reason her romance novels have won devoted readers all over the world – and why she’s broken off her engagement just weeks before the wedding instead of settling for less than true love. Escaping to her aunt’s beach cottage in Sweetbriar Cove, Poppy is looking for inspiration to break her writer’s block and finish her new book. She just wasn’t counting on the handsome, gruff contractor making such a racket next door…

    Cooper Nicholson doesn’t believe in soul-mates. He thought he’d found his forever once, and the world proved him wrong, so when the cute brunette comes storming over and demands he keep the noise down, romance is the last thing on his mind. But his new neighbor is full of surprises, and soon, their chemistry is too hot to ignore.

    As they grow closer, they discover fiction has nothing on the plot twists life has in store. But will Cooper find a way to let go of the past and risk his heart again? And can Poppy find her happy ending – on and off the page?

    Find out in the new sweet and sexy small-town romance from New York Times bestselling author, Melody Grace!

    The Sweetbriar Cove Series:
    #1 Meant to Be – Feb 2017
    #2 All for You – May 2017
    #3 The Only One – August 2017

    "Love was worth taking a risk on,no matter how easy it seemed just to play it safe and settle for something less than The One."

    Quando comecei a ler Meant to Be pensei em ter encontrado The One book for me . OMG! Pensei....ele tem tudo que eu gosto: música, casal com diálogos afiados, humor, amigos incríveis, drama , muito romance , clube do livro, e a frase que me define:
    "Her readers didn't come to her looking for the real world,they wanted an escape from it."

    Penso exatamente assim quando leio um livro...Quero o mundo dos sonhos e dos corações apaixonados..... E esse livro tem isso e mais um pouco. Ele fala sobre perdoar a si mesmo, segundas chances, não enaganar seu coração com a pessoa errada, fora os muitos toques de humor que deram leveza a trama.
    Eu já estava feliz em dar 6 gloriosas estrelas para Meant to Be quando algo aconteceu....aliás...quando o cara aconteceu...
    Deixa eu explicar.

    O livro conta a história da escritora de romances açucarados Poppy Somerville  que estava prestes a se casar com Owen quando percebe que ele isn't Meant to Be hers. Ela rompe o noivado e a divertida tia June oferece sua casa no interior para que Poppy possa curar sua tristeza em não achar o amor verdadeiro e seu bloqueio de escrita.

    Ao chegar na casa, Poppy que está louca para dormir é surpreendida por barulhos insuportáveis e vai reclamar com o vizinho barulhento.
    Ao chegar no local se depara com nada mais nada menos que Cooper, um garoto que infernizou um de suas férias no passado. Cooper hoje não tem nada de garoto , ele se especializou em reformas e não se importa nem um pouco em perturbar a paz de Poppy pois tem uma agenda a cumprir. Aqui não posso deixar de lembrar daquele clipe do Fifth Harmony, Work from Home com aqueles caras malhados e hot.....hahahahahaha..... Criei então minha imagem de Cooper.

    Os primeiros embates dos dois são épicos, hilários e cheios de sarcasmo. Obviamente que isso tambem resultou numa atração forte que eles tentam a todo custo evitar pois ela acabou de romper um noivado e ele teve seu coração partido e não acredita em true love.

    "The Queen of Hearts hasn't found her perfect soulmate yet."

    Eu estava amando o livro  e quando cheguei na metade comecei a temer o que iria separar o casal até que chegou no ponto de conflito. Cooper tem esse trauma com uma ex...entendo....mas ele de repente muda da água para vinho e começa a ficar grosso  com Poppy e a maltrata muito. Tive vontade de entrar no livro e ajudar Mackenzie a dar uma boa surra no cara. Foi o desfecho deste conflito que me irritou mais e me fez tirar 3 estrelas mas como gostei muito do inicio e o final foi super fofo, devolvi uma e classifiquei como um livro 4 estrelas....

    Acabou que não se tornou The One para mim ,mas de certa forma me diverti muito com todos os personagens e já estou ansiosa pelo livro de Summer ....


    "Love was worth taking a risk on, no matter how easy it seemed, just to play it safe and settle for something less than The One
    When I started reading Meant to Be I thought I'd found The One book for me. OMG! .... it has everything I like: music, couple with sharp dialogues, humor, incredible friends, drama, a lot of romance,hot scenes, book club, and the phrase that defines me:
    "Her readers did not come to her looking for the real world, they wanted an escape from it."

    I think exactly like this when I read a book ... I want the world of dreams and hearts in love ..... And this book has it and a little more. He talks about forgiving itself, second chances, not messing up a heart with the wrong person, aside from the many touches of humor that gave light to the plot.
    I was already happy to give 6 glorious stars to Meant to Be when something happened ... by the way ... when the guy happened ...
    Let me explain.

    The book tells the story of sweetheart novelist Poppy Somerville who was about to marry Owen when she realizes he is not her Meant to Be . She breaks the engagement and the fun Aunt June offers her beach's house  so that Poppy can heal her sadness in not finding true love and her writing block.

    Upon arriving at the house, Poppy who is mad to sleep is surprised by unbearable noises and will complain to the noisy neighbor.
    Upon arriving on the scene, she comes across nothing less than Cooper, a boy who has plagued one of her vacations in the past. Cooper is not any boy today, he is a man,a hot , delicious man, specialized in reforms old houses and does not mind at all to disturb Poppy's peace because he has an agenda to fulfill. Here I can not help but remember that clip from Fifth Harmony, Work from Home with those hot and horny guys ..... hahahahahaha .....  then  I created my image of Cooper. OK?

    Their first clashes are epic, hilarious and full of sarcasm. Obviously this also resulted in a strong attraction that they try at all costs to avoid as she has just broken an engagement and he has had his heart broken once and does not believe in true love.

    "The Queen of Hearts has not found her perfect soulmate yet."

    and neither him.....

    I was loving the book and when I got halfway I started to fear what would separate the couple until it reached the point of conflict. Cooper has this trauma with an ex ... I understand .... but he suddenly switches from water to wine and starts getting thick with Poppy and mistreats her a lot. I wanted to get into the book and help Mackenzie ( Cooper's friend) get a good beating in him shaped body. It was the outcome of this conflict that irritated me most and made me take 3 stars but as i loved the beggining and the ending was super cute, I returned one and rated it as a 4 star book ....

    It turned out it did not become The One for me, but somehow I had a lot of fun with all the characters and I'm already looking forward to Summer's book ....

    Highly recommend.

    Kisses, Myl

    Purchase Links

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    Author Bio

    NYT bestselling author, a SoCal transplant, and sexy romance junkie ;) I never say no to ice-cream...

    Author Links

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